I can't even begin to say how gratifying and humbling it was for me to, in some small way, give back to a community that has given me so much, while simultaneously shining a light on the people that have made the .net what it is, going back 20 plus years now.
And What really catalyzed this idea for me in the first place was just the fact that our team, at that time, seemed to be in a state of perpetual malaise...with not a whole lot on the horizon, except for maybe more of the same, at least in the immediate future.
And wouldn't you know it, I kind of feel like we're back there again, at least to some degree.
Vibes aside though, this is an idea that I've been kicking around (again) for some time, as I've gotten to know several more of you over the years, including some of you guys more personally.
Also, there are some of y'all that I wasn't able to get to the first time around, and sadly, some where that opportunity (in this format anyway) was taken from me/us.
Lastly, I have to thank Marty/Mori for being Sose's backup, and for continuing to host this site and this community.
With all that said and out of the way, the process has to start with someone. And having obtained his blessing offline, the first person who will help kickstart these threads will be none other than Kryptonic himself.
His 20 questions will be posted sometime in the next couple days.
And this probably goes without saying, but there is absolutely no rush and or pressure for y'all to answer your questions. I realize this is also self-evident, but please know that all questions are optional, both towards answering them at all, or at whatever length you guys wish to elaborate or perhaps, not at all.
Anyone nominated in the 20th question of course has their free will to decline (as Swingman
I'll stickify this thread for just a little bit, and each 20 questions thread will be stickified for about a week. I do want to thank Marty for this unlimited power, which ironically, I was going to use to help perpetuate a .net podcast, back in the day. But just like Maz Kanata somehow finding Anakin's lightsaber, that is a good story for another time